Speed of Trust – Book Promises
1. To watch a short video on the topic of See/Speak/Behave:
2. For information on measuring trust for a person, on a team, or in an organization, or a sample report:
3. To access a video detailing why trust is the #1 Leadership Competency today:
4. To see the impact of counterfeit behavior on culture:
5. For a video on how to measure trust and its impact on your organization, along with a sample Organizational Trust Index:
6. To see data regarding how we rate ourselves vs. how we rate others on the 13 behaviors:
7. To see a video showing how trust impacts innovation:
8. To see a video on why you can’t collaborate without trust:
9. To see a video on how trust acts as a multiplier of your ability to execute:
10. To learn the rest of Anna’s story: